Caught in Gang Crossfire
Dreams of Becoming a Nurse
Giving At-Risk Children a Chance to Succeed
Sofia is determined to attend school to become a nurse — a dream that might never have seemed possible without Wide Horizons For Children’s Child Sponsorship program.

Sofia’s father died suddenly, leaving her mom to care for two children on her own in a dangerous part of Guatemala. She did the best she could, working long hours selling tortillas and harvesting shrimp. As the first born, Sofia shouldered a lot of the responsibility of helping out with chores, earning money where she could and caring for her younger siblings. But the work was unsteady and no other relatives were able to help.

Sofia and her family also faced threats of violence. Her sister was caught in gang crossfire and badly wounded. She survived, but only after weeks in the hospital.
Then Sofia received life-transforming help, thanks to sponsorship through Wide Horizons For Children. She and her family got a small monthly stipend which they used to buy food and pay education costs. They were also provided with family counseling. Sofia studied hard in school and helped her siblings with their homework.
Her perseverance has paid off. Today, Sofia’s life has been transformed from one where there was no chance of a future to being focused on becoming a nurse. She is a high school graduate and looking forward to more schooling.
Sofia is so confident that she’s equipped with the skills to succeed that she gave up her sponsorship so that another child could benefit from this life-changing experience.
She writes of her sponsor: “…I am grateful for the help they gave me… I have great satisfaction and joy that another child will take my place and enjoy this opportunity.”